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Welcome to Storm Spotter Forum – the go-to place for storm spotters, chasers, ham radio enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about meteorology! Whether you're tracking severe weather, sharing insights, or honing your skills, you’ll find a community here ready to support and learn with you. Join us today, completely free and ad-free, and let’s keep each other safe, informed, and inspired.

  1. Shawn Gossman

    Should storm chasing require a license?

    Some people feel that storm chasing is reckless and endangers the public. They feel that anyone and everyone shouldn't be able to just wake up one day and decide to chase storms. Some feel testing and licensing should be enforced for it. What do you think about that? Why would you agree or...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    Heavy Snow Event Discuss!
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Hardest thing about meteorology?

    What is the hardest part of understanding meteorology for you? What part or parts do you need help with the most?
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Are you a part of a club or group?

    Many ham radio operations have clubs and groups. Some of them even have them for storm spotting or emergency operations. Are you in any club or groups at all? If yes, tell us about it.
  5. Shawn Gossman

    Skywarn Spotter Resources

    Please reply with more resources that should be added to this list.
  6. Shawn Gossman

    Skywarn Spotter Resources

    The following resources can help you with storm spotting: NWSI 10-1807 Cloud Chart Cloud Chart (Español) Navajo Weather Poster NWS Weather Field Spotter's Guide NWS Weather Field Spotter's Guide (Español) Mobile version of the Spotter's Guide SKYWARN Spotters ACES Safety Guidance NWS-ARRL...
  7. Shawn Gossman

    How to Become a Skywarn Storm Spotter

    Who Can Be a SKYWARN® Storm Spotter & How to Get Started If you’re passionate about weather and public safety, you can become a SKYWARN® Storm Spotter! The National Weather Service (NWS) welcomes anyone with an interest in helping their community stay safe during severe weather. Volunteers...
  8. Shawn Gossman

    What is a Skywarn Storm Spotter?

    Severe weather can be unpredictable and dangerous, causing injuries, fatalities, and billions in damage each year. That’s where SKYWARN® Storm Spotters come in. SKYWARN® is a volunteer program, supported by the National Weather Service (NWS) and partner organizations, made up of 350,000 to...
  9. Shawn Gossman

    How long have you been into ham radio?

    I sure am. I just did the basic spotter and the winter spotting refresher this past year. Going to start doing it every year. Been certified since I was 17.
  10. Shawn Gossman

    How long have you been into ham radio?

    Nope, no license. I've done storm spotting for about 23 years, though, but I never did the ham thing. I just need to sit down and study a bit and give it a shot.
  11. Shawn Gossman

    How long have you been into ham radio?

    I never got a ham radio. It's been on my list, though. My life is finally starting to calm down enough where I can afford to have an extra hobby lol.
  12. Shawn Gossman

    Vehicle Lights

    I had a light and the only time I would activate it was if there were downed power lines or something hazardous. I always used hazards when on the side of the road because that's what everyone does when on the side of the road. Everyone should know that vehicles on the side of the road with...
  13. Shawn Gossman

    How long have you been into ham radio?

    Very cool. Do you ever plan to get back into it more?
  14. Shawn Gossman

    What camera do you use?

    Nice. I'm going to have to check that out.
  15. Shawn Gossman

    What did you eat last?

    Tell us what you ate last! For small talk! I ate a little personal pizza and a salad.
  16. Shawn Gossman

    First Weather Photo of the Year

    Show me your first weather photo of 2025!
  17. Shawn Gossman

    Vehicle Lights

    It seems that many chasers add amber and clear lights to their vehicles during chasing activities. Do you have lights? Are you for or against them? Do you think lights could actually create more hazards?
  18. Shawn Gossman

    Staying in your car during a tornado

    It's always been said to abandon your car during a tornado. But what if there is no safe place to get to? Would you consider staying in it and hoping the outer structure of the car would protect you? What do you all think?
  19. Shawn Gossman

    How long have you been into ham radio?

    How long have you been into Amateur Radio? What first got your into it?
  20. Shawn Gossman

    Do you log your reports?

    Do you log and keep track of your storm spotter reports? I think the data could come in handy for various applications. If you do, how do you log and keep track of your reports?