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Welcome to Storm Spotter Forum – the go-to place for storm spotters, chasers, ham radio enthusiasts, and anyone passionate about meteorology! Whether you're tracking severe weather, sharing insights, or honing your skills, you’ll find a community here ready to support and learn with you. Join us today, completely free and ad-free, and let’s keep each other safe, informed, and inspired.

  1. Shawn Gossman

    Handheld radio recommendations

    When I'm able to get through the licensing, I'll primarily use ham radio for spotter things and maybe SAR activities around the National Forest I am often in. I don't want to do a base station at home. I'd rather go handheld, something I can take with me. Anyone have any good suggestions for a...
  2. Shawn Gossman

    100 Year Anniversary of the Tri-State Tornado

    From the National Weather Service: More information and event: I'm signed up to go. I live in Southern Illinois. I don't know if I'll attend the whole event, but I at least want to check some of it out. Is anyone else attending?
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Oklahoma legislator proposes storm chaser license regulations

    Have any of you been keeping up with this? Here's the bill: Full article: Some storm chasers feel that OK would target amateur storm chasers and...
  4. Shawn Gossman

    CoCoRaHS Section

    Do you want me to add a section for CoCoRaHS discussion?
  5. Shawn Gossman


    Any coffee drinkers? Favorite coffee? Do you add cream or sugar or take it black?
  6. Shawn Gossman


    Does anyone use a GoPro in their camera kit for weather, chasing, etc.? If so, what do you use it for and what version?
  7. Shawn Gossman

    Core Punching

    Core punching is when you drive your vehicle through the core of a storm. Is this something you practice?
  8. Shawn Gossman

    How much rain did you get today?

    Reply to this topic (daily if you want) and tell us how much rain you gor? My gauge measured at 1.55 inches at 6:00 AM CST
  9. Shawn Gossman

    Long-range weather forecasts

    How much expectations do you put into long-range weather forecasting? I've noticed that it usually changes before it happens, so I typically don't pay much attention to it aside from changes of rain. How about you?
  10. Shawn Gossman

    How much?

    How much money do you have invested in all your ham radio stuff?
  11. Shawn Gossman

    CPR trained

    Do you think storm spotters should get CPR training just in case they encounter victims who are unresponsive in the aftermath of a storm? Are you trained in CPR and basic first aid?
  12. Shawn Gossman

    Moderator Wanted

    Howdy folks, Storm Spotter Forum is looking for a Moderator. This is a Volunteer Position where you will be tasked with: Helping to keep the forum friendly, respectful, and fun by enforcing the forum guidelines and policies. Helping me to keep the forum active by posting new content and...
  13. Shawn Gossman

    How's 2025 so far?

    How has your new year been thus far? Any big plans coming up?
  14. Shawn Gossman

    Show me you winter photos!

    Have any of you taken any winter weather photos yet? Reply to this thread and show them off here :)
  15. Shawn Gossman

    Should storm chasing require a license?

    Some people feel that storm chasing is reckless and endangers the public. They feel that anyone and everyone shouldn't be able to just wake up one day and decide to chase storms. Some feel testing and licensing should be enforced for it. What do you think about that? Why would you agree or...
  16. Shawn Gossman

    Heavy Snow Event Discuss!
  17. Shawn Gossman

    Hardest thing about meteorology?

    What is the hardest part of understanding meteorology for you? What part or parts do you need help with the most?
  18. Shawn Gossman

    Are you a part of a club or group?

    Many ham radio operations have clubs and groups. Some of them even have them for storm spotting or emergency operations. Are you in any club or groups at all? If yes, tell us about it.
  19. Shawn Gossman

    Skywarn Spotter Resources

    The following resources can help you with storm spotting: NWSI 10-1807 Cloud Chart Cloud Chart (Español) Navajo Weather Poster NWS Weather Field Spotter's Guide NWS Weather Field Spotter's Guide (Español) Mobile version of the Spotter's Guide SKYWARN Spotters ACES Safety Guidance NWS-ARRL...
  20. Shawn Gossman

    How to Become a Skywarn Storm Spotter

    Who Can Be a SKYWARN® Storm Spotter & How to Get Started If you’re passionate about weather and public safety, you can become a SKYWARN® Storm Spotter! The National Weather Service (NWS) welcomes anyone with an interest in helping their community stay safe during severe weather. Volunteers...