How long have you been into ham radio?

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I became an Amateur Radio Operator in 2008. I'm pretty much dormant right now. No station set up and the only thing my husband and I have is an HT.

How did I get into it? My older brother. He was considered , at one point in time, one of the youngest to get his license. He is still active. WA4DCL -Ray

Why? I had an interest because of my brother and my interest in Meteorology and storm chasing and being able to contact the local wx station (NWS out of Peachtree, GA).

I once belonged to an Amateur Radio Club and was an AE in the club but resigned for health reasons and then my husband and I moved out of that county and eventually, out of the State. We renewed our licenses and lately we have been thinking about starting back. Time, expenses and other things keep getting in the way.

It's an expensive hobby but it can be fun. Ham-fest's and meeting new people with similar interests.


KJ4CAU - Donna
I became an Amateur Radio Operator in 2008. I'm pretty much dormant right now. No station set up and the only thing my husband and I have is an HT.

How did I get into it? My older brother. He was considered , at one point in time, one of the youngest to get his license. He is still active. WA4DCL -Ray

Why? I had an interest because of my brother and my interest in Meteorology and storm chasing and being able to contact the local wx station (NWS out of Peachtree, GA).

I once belonged to an Amateur Radio Club and was an AE in the club but resigned for health reasons and then my husband and I moved out of that county and eventually, out of the State. We renewed our licenses and lately we have been thinking about starting back. Time, expenses and other things keep getting in the way.

It's an expensive hobby but it can be fun. Ham-fest's and meeting new people with similar interests.


KJ4CAU - Donna
Very cool.

Do you ever plan to get back into it more?
At some point I would like to. My husband, Scott, KJ4CUX and I will hopefully be able to purchase a home soon. I hope to get a radio shack started up after settling in. I pray within this year if God sees fit and in His plans.
Are you a Ham and if so, what's your call sign?
At some point I would like to. My husband, Scott, KJ4CUX and I will hopefully be able to purchase a home soon. I hope to get a radio shack started up after settling in. I pray within this year if God sees fit and in His plans.
Are you a Ham and if so, what's your call sign?
I never got a ham radio.

It's been on my list, though. My life is finally starting to calm down enough where I can afford to have an extra hobby lol.
Outstanding. I was certified since 2008 and have had several repeat classes and also completed the advanced storm spotter course online by the NWS. It's has been awhile since I've taken the class but basic knowledge doesn't change much every two years. I haven't chased or spotted in some time mostly because of medical reasons. I still have the desire but my body aches so much it keeps me out of commission.
Outstanding. I was certified since 2008 and have had several repeat classes and also completed the advanced storm spotter course online by the NWS. It's has been awhile since I've taken the class but basic knowledge doesn't change much every two years. I haven't chased or spotted in some time mostly because of medical reasons. I still have the desire but my body aches so much it keeps me out of commission.
I've done the advanced classes and something our local WFO calls Elite Spotter Classes. I try to do the ones on MetEd at least once a year to refresh if I can't make an actual class.

I used to chase storms when I was younger but anymore, it's too much money.

Now I just locally spot and I also do daily rainfall readings for CoCoRaHS.